
优质上等的马来西亚榴莲,无论是什么品种,都会带有一丝苦味——正如同马来西亚那一群榴莲园主的人生。而这个苦味是埋在味道的底层,深深的埋在果肉內层。 不知道原由的可不能体会。知道马来西亚华人自立更生故事的人会有共鸣;我形容这个味道味苦尽甘来的幸福。

近些年,马来西亚榴莲在中国“火”了起来,让大家也认识了这个水果界的奇葩。 榴莲制品也遍地开花,琳琅满目,榴莲的香甜绵软的口感大受中国人的追捧,迅速在人们的味觉飨宴中占领了一席之地。其实榴莲看似火速的“崛起”却整整走过了50年的艰辛历程, 其中是一代人的艰辛耕耘,多少的失败,多少的泪水,榴莲种植的好景是近五年的事!是这批人守的云开见月明;苦尽甘来。

马来西亚得天独厚,热带的阳光和雨水滋润的养育这些果树。在马来西亚中央山脉的山脚坡地,有这样一群默默耕耘的榴莲园主,他们多年来始终辛勤劳作,艰苦付出。五年前的榴莲市场行情不好,许多人坚持不下去,砍掉榴莲树,改种棕油树。只有他们不离不弃,不论雨季还是旱季,像对待自己的孩子一样对待着一棵棵榴莲树,不为别的,为的就是那还没有完全湮灭的一丝希望。其中一个例子就是在北部的黑刺森林,园主经过了15 年的失败,坚守了32 年,在100 亩的险危山波,一个一个山头上,种植了6000 多棵榴莲树,立志要把这片土地植为一个“森林”, 一个“黑刺森林” 。黑刺是榴莲中的极品,是大自然的馈赠。




在向马来西亚的“榴莲人”致敬的同时,我们也知道建立榴莲行业的任重道远;要把榴莲事业做到可持续状态,要从种植走向市场,我们得建立可持续发展的销售渠道,服务爱好榴莲的食客。 这个工作必须让这一代年轻人来做了。


Musang King Fresh Fruit
Musang King Fresh Fruit
Malaysian MusangKing Durian
Malaysian MusangKing Durian
Frozen Whole Fruit
Frozen Whole Fruit
300 gm SGF Musang King Pulp ( 300 gm)
300 gm SGF Musang King Pulp ( 300 gm)
Calamansi Fresh Fruit
Calamansi Fresh Fruit
Calamansi Purée
Calamansi Purée

The Fruit Hub, CPPC @ Lanchang, we are practising Fairtrade with the local farmers, guiding them to compliance with Standard of Good Agricultural Practice, MyGAP.

With this Fairtrade practice, we hope we able to create a sustainable, secure, and fair future for the growers and local farmers, produce safe & healthy food for the nations. On par with United Nation 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goal. A sustainable movement to the community, our Planet and future generation.

In 2019, CPPC has installed with Individual Quick Freezing line, mostly known as IQF, is aiding producers in supplying healthy food. The instant freezing within minutes, help preserve the essential vitamins, minerals, retains the flavour, and the textures. While the shelf life of fresh fruits which are perishable in days able to be prolong up to 24 months using IQF technology.
In 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic has indeed give a great impact and challenges to the farmers, whereby have drove up freight costs 10 times, resulting in Malaysian Jackfruits a.k.a Buah Nangka locally, all stranded and cannot be export.

The export volume now must find local market channels otherwise the perishable fruit will go to waste. We are doing IQF to preserve the fruit up to 18 months.

To date we have processed over 20 tons.... and more will be done this season. We look to you to help so that these good fruits do not go to waste.

We are calling all stakeholders to invest in community resilience now to ensure more prosperity, secure, sustainable and fair future for the community, our planet and future generation.

Honey Jackfruit J33
Honey Jackfruit J33
Honey Jackfruit Pulp
Honey Jackfruit Pulp
Jackfruit Puree for Cake and Pastry
Jackfruit Puree for Cake and Pastry
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